Pinnacle Business Services Ltd.
Pinnacle Business Services Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Apeetogosan (Métis) Development Inc. We are committed to providing professional, efficient and effective business advisory assistance to the Alberta Indigenous business community.
Pinnacle Business Services Ltd. was incorporated in 1993 to provide professional business advisory services to the Alberta Indigenous business community. The corporation’s primary focus is to assist the Indigenous people of Alberta to achieve economic self-sufficiency through the successful creation and operation of their own for profit business enterprises.
Pinnacle Business Services Ltd. is staffed with a diverse group of professionals to assist you with the development, implementation and maintenance of your business. Our consulting group has considerable experience in assisting the Indigenous business community and is familiar with the various programs / resources available to assist in financing your business project.
Fees are established up front with the client and the amount is dependant on the nature and scope of the work to be performed. There is no charge for initial consultation and discussion of your business idea.
Whether you are considering a business venture for the first time or have been in business for several years, the business plan can be your most important management tool. A good business plan is your statement in words and numbers of what you want to do and what you need to get there. It is an essential planning and tracking tool, providing valuable assistance for the manager in making start-up decisions, to get the financing you need and to keep yourself and your business on track.
Without it, you may waste time, energy, money and lose sight of your objective.
A well-conceived business plan is essential to attract potential investors (whether a bank, venture capitalist or government agency) for your commercial venture. Today many investors will not even consider meeting with you to discuss your business idea unless you have a business plan. The quality of your plan may be a major factor in determining your success in finding suitable financing and/or investors for your business.
Services are provided to clients who are accessing funding options from Apeetogosan and may include:
Business Plans
Feasibility Studies
Business Valuations
Accounting Set-Up
Bookkeeping Services
Business Workshops/Seminars